
Posted by liuhy on January 1, 2020

LISA13 Metrics Workshop
This is a short selection of my most useful and popular material. My homepage for the full list.

perf Examples: Linux perf_events one-liners, examples, and visualizations.
eBPF Tracing Tools: Linux enhanced BPF tools for performance analysis.
The USE Method: a performance methodology for identifying resource bottlenecks.
USE Method: Rosetta Stone: performance checklists for different OSes.
Off-CPU Analysis: a methodology for analyzing blocked time, complimentary to CPU analysis.
TSA Method: the methodology of thread state analysis.
Active Benchmarking: a methodology for performing accurate benchmarks.
Working Set Size Estimation: showing techniques for understanding main memory usage.
CPU Flame Graphs: a visualization for sampled stack traces.
Off-CPU Flame Graphs: different techniques for analyzing blocking events.
Memory Flame Graphs: techniques for efficiently analyzing leaks and growth.
Latency Heat Maps: a visualization for latency distributions over time.
Utilization Heat Maps: different visualizations for resource utilization.
Frequency Trails: a visualization for multiple distributions.
KPTI/KAISER Meltdown Initial Performance Regressions, analyzing the Linux kernel regression we'll all see (2018).
Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery, where I explained the inclusion of the uninterruptible sleep state (2017).
CPU Utilization is Wrong: a post explaining the growing problem of memory stall cycles dominating the %CPU metric (2017).
gdb Debugging Full Example (Tutorial): a post to share an entire debugging, including output and explanations (2016).
The Flame Graph article for ACMQ and CACM that defines and explains flame graphs, and discusses future developments (2016).
Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds (PDF): for the Netflix Tech Blog, by myself and the perf team (2015).
Java in Flames (PDF): for the Netflix Tech Blog, introducing mixed-mode Java flame graphs (2015).
eBPF One Small Step: introducing Linux eBPF and explaining the capabilities this feature brings (2015).
Ftrace: The Hidden Light Switch: an lwn.net article about Linux ftrace (2014).
The Benchmark Paradox: a short blog post explaining a seeming paradox in benchmark evaluations (2014).
strace Wow Much Syscall: my warning blog post about strace(1), along with many bad strace-related jokes (2014).
The Case of the Clumsy Kernel (PDF): a kernel performance analysis article for USENIX ;login (2013).
The Greatest Tool that Never Worked: har: about the value of ideas in software screenshots (2013).
Top 10 DTrace Scripts for Mac OS X: included an intro to command line DTrace usage (2011).
Visualizing System Latency: an article for ACMQ and CACM about latency heat maps (2010).
perf-tools: perf analysis tools based on Linux perf_events and ftrace.
FlameGraph: a visualization for sampled stack traces, used for performance analysis.
HeatMap: an program for generating interactive SVG heat maps from trace data.
Specials: "special" tools for system administrators.
Cloud Performance Root Cause Analysis at Netflix, YOW! Conf Australia, 2018